Fresh Oil Consumption 
We are a producer of sugar beet, ie crystals and cubic.We of white refined beet sugar for human consumption We supply powder or cubic and supply by land (trucks) or sea freight (ship). it depends on you.
Price: 300 Euro per mt CIF
ORIGIN: United BrytaniaDANE SPECIFICATIONS: POLARIZATION: 99.80% MINIMALNAWilgotnosc: 00.04% MAKSIMUMSULPHATEASH CONTENT: 00.04% MAKSIMUMUZiARniEniE: MEDIUM to drobneRozpuszczalnosc: 100% dry and sypkiPromieniowanie: NORMAL In / the presence of cesium or iodine, CERTIFIED COLOR: Sparkling White. Maximum 45 ICUMSAOSAD: BRAKZapach: SMELL ofany free
Cultivation: 2016 POSTEPOWANIEWAGA ... reducing sugars: 0.05% MaksymalnaSO2 20 PPM MAXIMUMSubstancja: SOLID, CRYSTALCzastki magnetic: MG / kg maksymalnyMAX AS: 1 PP
Packed in 50kg double-layer
In the case of an urgent response concerning the inquiry Sugar, Sugar contact the sales department via e-mail: freshoi