Polish for foreigners
Aktywna od: 14-04-2015Aktywna do: 14-04-2016
Lingua Cafe Business English
We offer dedicated courses for professionals,
amateurs and fans of Polish culture and language.
Survival Polish Course
The course SURVIVAL POLISH is for people who want to use the Polish language in typical, everyday social situations like conversations in a restaurant, in a store, at the post office or on the street. Our priority is effective communication in real life, so the material is prepared in such a way as to instill in you the ability to speak and understand Polish in any of the above mentioned situations. The main criterion in choosing the material is its usefulness. This Polish course is divided into 20 sessions dealing with different aspects of language like theme blocks containing most frequently used words, phrases and grammar structures. Much emphasis is put on student activity. We enhance your creativity and gifting by motivating you through the progress you will make!
Just call +48 513 76 77 06