The aim of the portal is to present good firms and encourage others to cooperate with them, promote high quality products and services as well as create “a zone of increased safety in business”, which is of particular value to prospective customers during the present “confidence crisis”.

The Portal is connected with the website of the “Approved Partner” Programme, operated under the patronage of the European Commission Delegation in Poland and the President of the National Bank of Poland, and with many national and international services (e.g. the “Global Compact” portal, the UN initiative, which is often visited by Internet users all over the world.


Benefits from the presentation of a firm on the portal:


-   Promotion among good firms in Poland and abroad

-   Strengthening of the firm’s image and brand 

-   Access to thousands of prospective customers with the offer of products and services 

-   An opportunity to establish trade contacts with good firms

-   An opportunity to place free offers (e.g. sale, purchase, promotional offers, notices of sales, information about different events, etc.) in the catalogue and on the portal’s main page.


Your cooperation is welcome!


Czytelnia Biznesowa

Centrum Edukacji i Doradztwa Europejskiego
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