1. Definitions
- Portal – Internet marketing portal, owned and managed by Centrum Edukacji i Doradztwa Europejskiego with its office in Poznań, ul. Wergiliusza 72/1, NIP 781-004-64-28, REGON 004818298 (hereinafter called CEIDE).
- Firm – a registered body corporate, non-corporate organizational unit or a natural person.
- User – any person who is a registered user of the Portal, other than the Firm.
- Regulations – these regulations defining the rules of Portal use, accepted by Users during registration.
2. Basic rules of use
Users can use the Portal for free (except for advertisements or other paid services determined by CEIDE offered on the Portal or through the Portal).
3. Copyright
- The author’s economic rights to the materials and graphic signs posted on the Portal as well as technical solutions and other elements of the Portal are the property of CEIDE (except for the materials posted on the Portal by the Firm, which are intended for publication, and which are owned by the Firm and are legally protected).
- Both the Portal as a whole and its individual parts are legally protected. Users can use the materials posted on the Portal only for information purposes and for their own use. It is not allowed to use the materials in any other way, particularly for commercial purposes or in connection with economic activity, to duplicate, copy, or reproduce them in any form and to make them available to third persons without prior written consent of the material owner. It is not permitted to:
- create multiple documents (mail merge) from the data obtained from the Portal,
- copy the Portal database in whole or in parts and use it for any purpose,
- use software other than a browser to navigate through the Portal.
4. Liability and limitations
- CEIDE shall not be held liable for:
- the content and form of advertising materials presented on the Portal (except for CEIDE’s own materials),
- any lost benefits or losses resulting from the use of information posted on the Portal or offers of the Firms present on the Portal as well for any violation of the rights of such Firms by third persons. Any disputes will be settled directly by the interested parties, without any involvement of CEIDE,
- technical problems or breaks in the operation of the Portal arising for reasons not attributable to CEIDE or being the result of force majeure.
- It is forbidden to take any action which could or which hampers the operation of the Portal. Such conduct, which could negatively affect the image of the Portal will be treated as an action detrimental to CEIDE. CEIDE reserves the right to have the damage repaired and to seek compensatory damages.
- Any action or omission leading to the circumvention of these regulations will be treated like their violation and is subject to punitive sanctions.
5. Final provisions
CEIDE can change the Regulations in whole or in part and the new version of the Regulations will become effective when posted on the Portal.
Effective as of 20 October 2011