Privacy Policy


Privacy protection of all Portal users is our top priority


Every effort is made to protect the data of Firms and Users using the Portal. Only the data necessary for efficient and safe operation of the Portal is collected.

Personal data protection

Persona data posted on the Portal are collected, stored, processed and protected pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Dz.U. No 101/2002, item 926 as amended) by CEIDE which is the data administrator in the understanding of the Act.

A Firm representative responsible for Firm registration on the Portal agrees to have the Firm’s data and his/her personal (name and surname) and contact data processed by CEIDE so that the services offered could be properly used (the data are collected for contact purposes and are available only to authorized persons responsible for Portal administration in its safe area). The Firm and its representative have the right to access the data, correct or delete them.

When registering on the Portal the user does not give his/her name and surname but only the e-mail address and password (which is encrypted and known only to the User). The e-mail address is available only to authorized Portal administrators in its safe area and is used for contact purposes, e.g. to send information about Portal operations.

Depending on the situation, Portal users may be required to give their name and surname, e.g. when filing a complaint.

Contact and personal data collected by Portal administrators can be disclosed to third persons only under applicable law, by the decision of an authorized body and also to protect the rights of CEIDE. Contact and personal data can be disclosed only with the consent of the entity they relate to.

CEIDE may refuse its consent to delete the data of a User or a Firm or its representative if they have breached the Regulations or the law and the data are necessary to explain the case and determine the extent of the liability.

Navigation data

During Portal use some information can be automatically collected (e.g. data in system logs, such as the computer’s IP, browser type, access date and time as well as information about the links used and others) in order to improve the Portal operation and prepare statistical analyses.

The Portal uses cookies (small text files saved on the CEIDE server and on the computer of the Portal user), e.g. to save the information about the Company or the User (which is necessary to log into the Portal), to prepare general statistics on account visits as well as to adjust the services offered to the preferences and needs of Portal users. Cookies are safe for the computer and are not used to process or store personal data. Cookies never disclose user identity.

Final provisions

CEIDE can change its Privacy policy in whole or in part and the new version of the Policy will become effective when posted on the Portal.


Effective as of 20 October 2011

Czytelnia Biznesowa

Centrum Edukacji i Doradztwa Europejskiego
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