Centrum Edukacji
i Doradztwa Europejskiego

The European Education and Consulting Centre was established in 1992 (until February 1997, it had operated under the name of the Promotion Centre for Enterprise and Regional Information, and than until end of 2004 – Business Promotion Centre).
At the early stage of its existence, it dealt with many areas of marketing (e.g. by helping to establish business links between national and foreign companies, by organising complex promotion and advertising campaigns and visual advertising, as well as by preparing various types of information publications). The Centre also participated in the work on the Council of Europe initiative the aim of which was to activate and support the development of local enterprise through tourism (the program of the European Cultural Routes). In 1995, the Centre initiated the Approved Partner Programme, developed by Michał Wieczorek, aiming at the promotion of reliable companies and propagating business ethic. At present, this programme is being implemented and has become the main objective of the company.
solidnypartner.eu website promotes laureates of the Approved Partner Programme (which is celebrating its eighteenth anniversary this year) and other companies offering top quality goods and services. One of the main aims of the programme and the website is creation of the “zone of greater safety in business”, which is a value particularly important for prospective customers during the “crisis of confidence”.